Autism, Sledding and the Kingdom of God

Something amazing happened today: I went sledding with my sons. Not at the same time, but I went with Leo this morning and Wally this afternoon. There were many other parents and kids out sledding today. But most days when the snow is perfect for sledding, and I see all those neurotypical kids and parents out there, I just want to look away. I try not to think about what I am missing because both of my sons have Autism. But today we figured out how to make it work and for the most part it worked very well! Today I had lots of fun in the snow with my sons. Part of me just wants to savor this and say no more. Selah. There were lots of other kids out there, which you can see at the top of the hill. This is Wally observing them. This picture captures a lot of how it feels being an Autism dad. The neurotypical kids are playing... over there...and we are over here, and I have no idea what Wally will do or say. He still has no u...