Embracing Mystery

"This is a profound mystery." The apostle Paul said this about marriage and about the relationship between Christ and the church. Well actually he wrote it...in a letter to a church...in Greek...about 2000 years ago. But I thought it would be easier to just say he said it. Now I see I was wrong. Mystery is always a part of life but it's become a daily part of mine. I find myself thinking more and more about the mystery involved in my relationship with my son Wally. His verbal skills continue to improve especially around letters, numbers and some colors but, his Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) means that he still has very few words in spite of the fact that he'll be 4 in December. Another boy we know who has ASD was super verbal at this age showing ASD really is a broad spectrum. Anyway, his largest vocabulary set is probably words related to the Cars Pixar movies. "Ka-Chow!" counts as a word, right? Some days I get so frustrate...